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How do I get email address verification?

During the registration process, you will receive an email to the email address you provided within seconds. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder.

How do I pay the monthly usage fee?

The Residence Owner is redirected to Stripe and pays the EUR 2.99. This amount is debited monthly from the deposited payment method.
ONLY the Residence Owner pays the usage fee, the invited family members pay nothing for the use.

Who sees my calendar?

The Residence Owner shares his/her calendar only with the family members and friends selected by him/her. This calendar is private and not publicly accessible.

Using the "Invite guest" function, the reservation is forwarded by email with the compensation. The guest only sees his reservation in the calendar. The guest has no access to other calendar entries and reservations made by the residence owner.

How do I receive reimbursement from my guest?

Our Residence Manager team will contact you and send you the form for the transfer. Please enter your home address and IBAN here. A copy of your passport or ID card must also be sent. This personal information will only be requested before the first transfer, after which the transfer will be made automatically. Please allow a few days for processing and check that the payment has been received in your account.

Email for cleaning staff or garden maintenance:
The email addresses for the cleaning and gardening staff can also be added or changed at a later date.
Settings -> edit

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